Saturday, August 27, 2005

Cursing the darkness

"Must... not give straight arm salute....
must... not... Arm twitching...
fingers stiffening... Sieg Heil!... Doh! er...
free speech?"

How many Muslims in Australia have gone to prison for attempting a racially motivated assassination? How many Muslim groups are routinely associated with violent attacks on anyone? How many Muslim groups have invited Al Qaida members to speak at their meetings? Then answer is zero. None. Not a sausage.

Yet when a wannabe Nazi named James Saleam who's done time for trying to murder an ANC member, in Australia, tries to invite a real live NAZI to speak at his convention, how much news coverage do you expect it to get? Some? A little? None? That's right folks. One fucking soundbite on SBS, which you won't find and believe me, I tried.

This man

invites this man,

To speak in Australia and no one cares.

Fortunately he was banned from entering Australia but practically no light was shone under the slimy rock where his Australian counterparts slither and squirt their venom. Of course that's to be understood. I mean we can't take a single damn minute from screaming at Muslims to denounce terrorism, even as we rain death and destruction on their correligionists, to demand that actual, convicted terrorists denounce terrorism or be excluded from society. I know about every Muslim who ever fucking mentioned the word 'jihad' in public or so much as dared to suggest that killing Muslims didn't sit well with them. Yet miserable cowards like Saleam get the benefit of freedom of speech without ever being seriously questioned or exposed. Instead he gets taken seriously to the point where the ABC writes stories like this. Crazed Muslim extremists are interchangable with crazed extremists of any other stripe. The problem is that the focus is ever on the extremists who face west when they pray.

Hey, I've got an idea, how about John Howard hold a conference inviting White moderates to discuss what should be done about White extremists? After all no Muslim organisation has been associated with brutal, racially motivated beatings. None of them are lead by terrorists. None of them have tried to get the heirs of a regime that the civilised world expended millions of lives to destroy to speak in Australia. What's that John? You never liked that Funde guy anyway? You wanted to deport him in 1986, back when you were a racist who hated Asians too? Oh er, that makes things a bit tricky.

And after writing this post, which practically no one will read, I'll go turn on the TV and get back to watching White Australians wring their hands, asking why won't Muslim's and other Australians intergrate? Why can't they just accept that sometimes, we just need to grease a few heathens. Why should that get in the way? White extremists are mere oddities, non-white ones, well, let's let Google have the last word.

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