Sunday, October 16, 2005

You Taggin' me?

'Cos I'm the only one here...

20 facts about me.

1) I'm nerdy, i like computers and starwars.

2) I'm sporty, compete with me over a ball and you might get hurt.

3) I think these lists are preposterously narcissistic and I'm cringing in shame right now.

4) Blogging is narcissistic too, I try and avoid turning my blog into a self indulgent wank.

5) I'm not a leftwinger, sorry if I fooled you.

6) I can best be described as a libertarian with social democrat leanings.

7) Lefties often scare me. A lot of them have less than a passing regard for individual rights.

8) I think individual rights can be collectivised without being diminished however.

9) I think about politics way too much.

10) I should have done political science at uni, but when I meet someone who did, I'm ususally glad I didn't.

11) I know how lucky I am compared to most people, I think some people need to think about that every now and then.

12) I hate discussing or referring to myself in a public manner.

13) The first album I ever owned was Def Leppard's Adrenalize, on tape.

14) The second was The Prodigy's Fat of the land.

15) The last album I bought was the Killers' Hot fuss, which totally kicks Franz Ferdinand's dissapointing ass.

16) The latest Foo Fighters album is a tragic disappointment.

17) I'm convinced that music is dying. Being killed by retarded music company executives.

18) Pretty much all current music sucks ass.

19) I'm amazed I got to 20 things.

20) No, I don't think you need to know more about me, mind your own business.

I'm tagging Mikey, mostly because he reminded me a little of Snell, drummer for The Towers of London (short guy in the middle).

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