Sunday, November 13, 2005

Workchoices, Australia says No

'Curtheth! Thwarted again!'

You might have noticed 'workchoices' ads disappearing from their primetime slots lately. The funny thing is that they seem to be replaced with the 'Violence Against Women, Australia says No' ads which are appearing pretty much where the workchoices ads used to. Sarah's bet is that the govt. paid for X amount of broadcasting time and after using $50,000,000+ of it to poison public opinion and turn every man, woman and child in Australia into a labour union supporter, Howard seems to have decided to back off a bit and gnaw away at his problem from a different angle. The public reaction to 50 million public dollars being used to sell them a pile of manure probably helped his decision too. Now it's terror and battered women. You heard it here first.

The question is where to from here? Obviously he hasn't given up on it, watch out for 'substantial changes and consultation' or some other colour of lipstick for the workchoices pig.

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